This document specifies the internal x/vesting
module of the LagomChain Hub.
The x/vesting
module introduces the ClawbackVestingAccount
, a new vesting account type that implements the Cosmos SDK VestingAccount
interface. This account is used to allocate tokens that are subject to vesting, lockup, and clawback.
The ClawbackVestingAccount
allows any two parties to agree on a future rewarding schedule, where tokens are granted permissions over time. The parties can use this account to enforce legal contracts or commit to mutual long-term interests.
In this commitment, vesting is the mechanism for gradually earning permission to transfer and delegate allocated tokens. Additionally, the lockup provides a mechanism to prevent the right to transfer allocated tokens and perform Ethereum transactions from the account. Both vesting and lockup are defined in schedules at account creation. At any time, the funder of a ClawbackVestingAccount
can perform a clawback to retrieve unvested tokens. The circumstances under which a clawback should be performed can be agreed upon in a contract (e.g. smart contract).
For LagomChain, the ClawbackVestingAccount
is used to allocate tokens to core team members and advisors to incentivize long-term participation in the project.
SDK vesting specification:
SDK vesting implementation:
Agoric’s Vesting Clawback Account:
Vesting describes the process of converting unvested
into vested
tokens without transferring the ownership of those tokens. In an unvested state, tokens cannot be transferred to other accounts, delegated to validators, or used for governance. A vesting schedule describes the amount and time at which tokens are vested. The duration until which the first tokens are vested is called the cliff
The lockup describes the schedule by which tokens are converted from a locked
to an unlocked
state. As long as all tokens are locked, the account cannot perform any transaction that spend LAGOM. However, the account can perform transactions that don't spend LAGOM tokens. Additionally, locked tokens cannot be transferred to other accounts. In the case in which tokens are both locked and vested at the same time, it is possible to delegate them to validators, but not transfer them to other accounts.
The following table summarizes the actions that are allowed for tokens that are subject to the combination of vesting and lockup:
& unvested
& vested
& unvested
& vested
*Staking rewards are unlocked and vested
**EVM transactions only fail if they involve sending locked or unvested LAGOM tokens, e.g. send LAGOM to EOA or Smart Contract (fails if amount > 0 ).
Vesting and lockup schedules specify the amount and time at which tokens are vested or unlocked. They are defined as periods
where each period has its own length and amount. A typical vesting schedule for instance would be defined starting with a one-year period to represent the vesting cliff, followed by several monthly vesting periods until the total allocated vesting amount is vested.
Vesting or lockup schedules can be easily created with Agoric’s vestcalc
tool. E.g. to calculate a four-year vesting schedule with a one year cliff, starting in January 2022, you can run vestcalc with:
In case a ClawbackVestingAccount
's underlying commitment or contract is breached, the clawback provides a mechanism to return unvested funds. The account authorized to perform the clawback is defined during ClawbackVestingAccount
account creation. It can be:
The governance module if allowed
The address specified as the
It should be noted that the information if an account has governance clawback enabled or not is not stored with the account itself but it is stored directly in the vesting module.
When a clawback is initiated, or by the funder or the governance, unvested tokens are send to the destination address specified in the clawback message. If no destination address is specified, the default is to return tokens to the funder.
State Objects
The x/vesting
module does not keep objects in its own store. Instead, it uses the SDK auth
module to store account objects in state using the Account Interface. Accounts are exposed externally as an interface and stored internally as a clawback vesting account.
An instance that implements the Vesting Account interface. It provides an account that can hold contributions subject to lockup, or vesting which is subject to clawback of unvested tokens, or a combination (tokens vest, but are still locked).
Implements the VestingAccount
interface. It contains all the necessary fields needed for any vesting account implementation.
Specifies the account which provides the original tokens and can perform clawback.
Defines the time at which the vesting and lockup schedules begin.
Defines the unlocking schedule relative to the start time.
Defines the vesting schedule relative to the start time.
Genesis State
The x/vesting
module allows the definition of ClawbackVestingAccounts
at genesis. In this case, the account balance must be logged in the SDK bank
module balances or automatically adjusted through the add-genesis-account
CLI command.
State Transitions
The x/vesting
module allows for state transitions that create and update a clawback vesting account with CreateClawbackVestingAccount
or perform a clawback of unvested funds with Clawback
Create Clawback Vesting Account
An externally owned account can be converted to a clawback vesting account by the owner. Upon creation, the owner assigns a funder, who is able to fund the account with vesting and/or lockup schedules. The account has also the possibility to specify if the vested tokens can be clawbacked from the governance.
Owner submits a
through one of the clients.Check if
the vesting account address is not blocked.
the account at the vesting account address is not already a vesting account.
Create a clawback vesting account at the target address with empty vesting and lockup schedules.
Fund Clawback Vesting Account
The funder of a clawback vesting account can fund it with vesting and/or lockup schedules. If a vesting account already has funds, the schedules are merged together.
Funder submits a
through one of the clients.Check if
the vesting address is not a blocked address.
the vesting address is a clawback vesting account.
there is at least one vesting or lockup schedule provided. If one of them is absent, default to instant vesting or unlock schedule.
lockup and vesting total amounts are equal.
Update the clawback vesting account and send coins from the funder to the vesting account, merging any existing schedules with the new funding.
The funding address is the only address that can perform the clawback.
Funder submits a
through one of the clients.Check if
a destination address is given and default to funder address if not
the destination address is not blocked
the account exists and is a clawback vesting account
account funder is same as in msg
Transfer unvested tokens from the clawback vesting account to the destination address, update the lockup schedule and remove future vesting events.
Update Clawback Vesting Account Funder
The funding address of an existing clawback vesting account can be updated only by the current funder.
Funder submits a
through one of the clients.Check if
the new funder address is not blocked
the vesting account exists and is a clawback vesting account
account funder is same as in msg
Update the vesting account funder with the new funder address.
Convert Vesting Account
Once all tokens are vested, the vesting account can be converted back to an EthAccount
Owner of vesting account submits a
through one of the clients.Check if
the vesting account exists and is a clawback vesting account
the vesting account's vesting and locked schedules have concluded
Convert the vesting account to an
This section defines the concrete sdk.Msg
types, that result in the state transitions defined on the previous section.
The msg content stateless validation fails if:
are invalid
The msg content stateless validation fails if:
are invalidLockupPeriods
include a period with a non-positive length or amount
do not describe the same total amount
The msg content stateless validation fails if:
are invalidDestAddress
is not empty and invalid
The msg content stateless validation fails if:
are invalid
The msg content stateless validation fails if:
is invalid
The x/vesting
module provides AnteDecorator
s that are recursively chained together into a single Antehandler
. These decorators perform basic validity checks on an Ethereum, such that it could be thrown out of the transaction Mempool.
Note that the AnteHandler
is called on both CheckTx
and DeliverTx
, as CometBFT proposers presently have the ability to include in their proposed block transactions that fail CheckTx
The following decorators implement the vesting logic for token delegation and performing EVM transactions.
Validates if a clawback vesting account is permitted to perform Ethereum transactions, based on if it has its vesting schedule has surpassed the vesting cliff and first lockup period. Also, validates if the account has sufficient unlocked tokens to execute the transaction. This AnteHandler decorator will fail if:
the message is not a
sender account cannot be found
sender account is not a
block time is before surpassing vesting cliff end (with zero vested coins) AND
block time is before surpassing all lockup periods (with non-zero locked coins)
sender account has insufficient unlocked tokens to execute the transaction
Custom Staking Module
Evomos introduced the concept of EVM extensions to allow smart contract to interact with Cosmos SDK modules like staking and distribution, to provide a better developer experience allowing users to interact with Cosmos native module via the EVM. Since a ClawbackVestingAccount
is allowed to stake only unlocked & vested coins, or locked & vested, we have to ensure that all other configurations are not permitted to perform a state transition. Instead of having these checks implemented in both the AnteHandler
s for Cosmos transactions and Ethereum transactions, LagomChain core wraps the Cosmos SDK x/staking
module to introduce these checks in the MsgServer
of this module. With this approach we ensure that all staking actions, through direct Cosmos message or through extensions, are validating the account balance in the proper way.
The staking wrapper uses the same functionalities of the original staking module but introduces required checks in the following methods:
The x/vesting
module emits the following events:
Create Clawback Vesting Account
Fund Vesting Account
Update Clawback Vesting Account Funder
A user can query the LagomChain x/vesting
module using the CLI, gRPC, or REST.
Find below a list of lagomd
commands added with the x/vesting
module. You can obtain the full list by using the lagomd -h
The genesis configuration commands allow users to configure the genesis vesting
account state.
Allows users to set up clawback vesting accounts at genesis, funded with an allocation of tokens, subject to clawback. Must provide a lockup periods file (--lockup
), a vesting periods file (--vesting
), or both.
If both files are given, they must describe schedules for the same total amount. If one file is omitted, it will default to a schedule that immediately unlocks or vests the entire amount. The described amount of coins will be transferred from the --from address to the vesting account. Unvested coins may be "clawed back" by the funder with the clawback command. Coins may not be transferred out of the account if they are locked or unvested. Only vested coins may be staked. For an example of how to set this see this link.
The query
commands allow users to query vesting
account state.
Allows users to query the locked, unvested and vested tokens for a given vesting account
The tx
commands allow users to create and clawback vesting
account state.
A new clawback vesting account is created for the sender account (--from
), if it is not already of such type. Only the designated funder will be able to define lockup and vesting schedules and has to do so using the fund-vesting-account subcommand. Clawback via governance is enabled or disabled through the second argument.
Allows the funder account to update a clawback vesting account with new schedules. Any existing schedules are merged with the newly added schedules. Must provide a lockup periods file (--lockup), a vesting periods file (--vesting), or both.
If both files are given, they must describe schedules for the same total amount. If one file is omitted, it will default to a schedule that immediately unlocks or vests the entire amount. The described amount of coins will be transferred from the --from address to the vesting account. Unvested coins may be "clawed back" by the funder with the clawback command. Coins may not be transferred out of the account if they are locked or unvested. Only vested coins may be staked. For an example of how to set this see this link.
Allows to transfer all unvested unvested tokens out of a ClawbackVestingAccount. Must be requested by the original funder address (--from) and may provide a destination address (--dest), otherwise the coins are returned to the funder. Delegated or unbonding staking tokens will be transferred in the delegated or unbonding state. The recipient is vulnerable to slashing, and must act to unbond the tokens if desired.
Allows users to update the funder of an existent ClawbackVestingAccount
. Must be requested by the original funder address (--from
Allows users to convert their vesting account to the chain's default account (i.e EthAccount
). This operation only succeeds if there are no unvested tokens left in the account.
Gets locked, unvested and vested coins
Gets locked, unvested and vested coins
Creates clawback vesting account
Funds a clawback vesting account
Performs clawback
Updates vesting account funder
Converts vesting account back to normal account
Creates clawback vesting account
Funds a clawback vesting account
Performs clawback
Updates vesting account funder
Converts vesting account back to normal account
Last updated